Pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 1, item 9 of the Data Protection Regulation Act (Official Gazette 103/03, 118/06, 41/08, 130/11 and 106/12 – consolidated text, hereinafter referred to as (Act)), a Data Protection Officer is a person appointed by the head of the personal data collection who takes care of the legality of processing personal data and exercising the right to personal data protection.
The responsibilities of the Data Protection Officer are prescribed by Article 18a, section 8 of the Act, by which the Data Protection Officer:
- Takes care of the legality of processing personal data in terms of compliance with the regulations of this Act and other regulations governing personal data processing
- Warns the Head of the personal data collection of the necessity of applying the regulations on personal data protection in cases of planning and actions that may have an impact on privacy issues and personal data protection
- Educates the company and employees on relevant compliance requirements of data protection
- Makes sure that obligations from Articles 14 and 17 of the Act are fulfilled
- Enables the exercise of the rights of the respondents referred to in Articles 19 and 20 of the Act
- Cooperates with the Data Protection Agency regarding the implementation of supervision over the processing of personal data.
The Data Protection Officer is required to maintain the confidentiality of all information and data that he/she learns while performing his/her duties. This obligation continues even after the termination of the function of the Data Protection Officer.
The official contact of the Data Protection Officer:
Slaven Balog, MD, specialist ophthalmologist
Adress: Ivan Gundulić Street 36 b
Postal code: 31 000 Osijek
e-mail: info@poliklinika-balog.hr
Phone number: 031 / 326 – 141
Cell-phone number: 091 1875 647